Ep. 115: Summit Your Everest – A CRNA’s Story of Peaks, Valleys, and World Records

How many of us let past events or current challenges hold us back? Just about all of us battle negativity at different points in our lives but how you handle it is what defines you.

Our guest today is a great example of how your mind and the power of your thoughts can help you push through anything. Jeanne Stawiecki, CRNA, joins us on this show to share her powerful and emotional journey.

Jeanne has overcome a lot in her life from an early age, and it’s unbelievable to hear about how she went from smoking two packs a day to becoming a marathon runner. When she first began the hobby, just walking was a challenge. But the thing that kept her motivated when running long distances was the silence. Things that used to torture her were gone and her senses had come to life.

Her dedication to change her life ultimately led to two Guinness Book of World Records. The first was for becoming the oldest woman in the world to summit the highest mountains on all seven continents. The second record was for running seven marathons in the shortest aggregate time for any female.

Just hearing about her third and final attempt at Everest will be worth your time on this episode.

So as you get started, keep an ear out for these topics:

  • Growing up in a stressful environment, which led to smoking.

  • How she went from smoking to running long distances.

  • How long distance running really changed her perspective.

  • Changing her mindset from fear to confidence and determination.

  • Local marathons weren’t enough so she took on climbing and international running.

  • The story of climbing these extreme peaks.

  • The health challenges she was battling while trying to accomplish these physical feats.

  • Life after all the accomplishments.

  • The emotional she still feels when thinking about finally summiting Everest.

Check it out in the interview at the top of the page and use the timestamps to help you navigate through the many topics we discussed.

[3:02] – Background on Jeanne and her accomplishments

[6:35] – Her childhood

[9:54] – Why she began smoking

[13:04] – Marathon running begins

[18:54] – Changing her thoughts and mindset

[21:53] – The goal of 7 marathons on 7 continents

[27:33] – Health challenges

[30:27] – Second Everest attempt

[35:23] – Climbing travel  

[47:13] – What she’s doing now

[48:52] – The incredible story of how she summited Everest

[56:30] – Final message on being conscious every day

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Ep. 116: Importance of Mentoring in CRNA Leadership Development


Ep. 114: Crucibles of Leadership with AANA CEO Dr. Randall Moore