Ep. 125: What Retirement Lifestyle Will You Choose?

With all that’s going on in our world, people are thinking more and more about what’s really important in life. More and more people are also retiring early with the pandemic impacting so many aspects of life over the past year.

Whether you’re in that group or still years away from retirement, every CRNA should be thinking about how they want to spend their time when work is no longer required. It’s not easy to have those conversations and think beyond life as as a CRNA and often we see all of the emotions that go with envisioning life in retirement.

Thankfully, CRNAs earn a very nice living throughout their career, but planning for retirement is about much more than the money. A big piece of the retirement puzzle is the lifestyle you plan to enjoy because that will help you determine what type of financial decisions you need to make in order to be prepared.

So let’s talk about some of the most common lifestyle choices we see CRNAs make once they put the anesthesia away. As we get started, it’s important to note that Jeremy and his team at CRNA Financial Planning encourages people to start thinking about these things a few years out and really get serious about what you want to do with your time. Sure, those decisions can always change but you want to start getting a firm plan in place.

Let’s start with the two-house lifestyle. Do you want to have a place you live in for a portion of the year and another in a different part of the country for the rest of the time? There are a few considerations to make if this is a lifestyle you’re interested in. First, think about whether you’re going to want to be close to family as you get older. Maybe that means staying in one location primarily and a second home wouldn’t get used as much. Also, think about whether you want to buy or rent. Are you prepared for all the upkeep that comes along with owning a property versus renting.

If a second home isn’t for you, then the RV lifestyle might be a better route. Instead of being tied down to one location, retirees often choose to travel on their own timeline thanks to the freedom of life on the road. But have you thought about the costs associated with that much travel and vehicle maintenance, and whether you’ll want to be driving that large vehicle. It could be a great alternative to a second-home lifestyle and one that a lot of people prefer.

For other retirees, they are very happy with being home. We call this the front porch lifestyle because they enjoy working around the house and the yard, spending time with the grandchildren, and prefer the slower pace of retirement. This doesn’t mean you won’t be active, but you just plan to spend most of your time at home or in the community you’ve already laid down roots.

Another popular choice for where to live are college towns. One reason this is popular for CRNAs is due to the availability of great healthcare in many of these locations. Plus, you’re able to enjoy the activites associated with a vibrant community like concerts and sporting events.

Then there’s the large section of the population that decides to call Florida home. With great weather year-round and a large number of retirement communities, many people make the choice to move south. Florida also provides people with an active lifestyle all the options they could want. Many retirees choose golf or pickleball, which will also need to be factored into the expenses section of your retirement plan.

No matter what you choose, there are a few things every CRNA needs to remember. First, have a plan in place for however you choose to live. Second, stay active and social for the benefit of your health. And finally, follow your passions. Take advantage of the extra time and enjoyment that a hard-working career now offers you.

Today's show schedule: 

2:37 – Why we’re discussing lifestyles

3:59 – Thinking about life after work

6:05 – Get serious a few years out

7:35 – Retirement age

10:38 – Two-house lifestyle

17:13 – Front porch lifestyle

19:36 – Moving to a college town

20:58 – Moving to Florida

24:22 – Golf lifestyle

26:03 – Follow your passion

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What Retirement Lifestyle Will You Choose?