How Can CRNAs Get Their Questions Answered About Medicare From Someone They Can Trust?

We all know that healthcare planning is a huge part of retirement planning.  But, WHEN do we really start that conversation? And how do we approach such an enormous topic?

Baby steps. When you (or your spouse) are approximately 64 ½ (remember half birthdays as a kid?), it’s time to start poking around at your options related to Medicare.  Every person in the U.S. makes a decision about Medicare as they turn age 65. That does NOT mean that every person turning age 65 needs to sign up (or wants to sign up) for Medicare.

First, what really IS Medicare? Medicare began in 1965 and is the healthcare system for age 65+ in our country. It consists of 2 parts: Part A and Part B. Part A covers hospitals and such, whereas Part B covers doctors, procedures, et al.

Does Medicare cost you anything? Well, you have been paying for Part A for your entire working career so when you finally file for the benefit, it’s “free!” Part B has a separate price tag to pay and that price tag fluctuates based on your earned income.

There are so many questions swirling around Medicare from the initial “Do I need to sign up?” and “Should I sign up?” to “How do I sign up?”.  At this special age of 64 ½, you will not only be bombarded with material in your mailbox about Medicare products, but you will be invited to chicken dinners to learn more and you will be hounded by phone calls.  Tip? Do NOT put any of your REAL information into websites to get quotes for products.  Your information will be sold in 30 seconds flat to numerous insurance agents.

Because no one can be experts in everything (we can’t be and don’t want to be), we have partners to help you navigate the Medicare maze.  They can walk you through the questions related to Medicare such as:

  • What coverage options do you have?

  • Are you funding a Health Savings Account and how does that work with Medicare?

  • What if I need to appeal a Social Security decision?

  • How do I actually sign up?

  • Will I be penalized for not signing up?

  • How does Medigap work?

  • How does Medicare Advantage work?

  • How does prescription coverage come into play?

Right, it’s confusing.  Thus, let us introduce you to our friends.


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