CRNA Advisors Library

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How Should CRNAs Facing Divorce Split Retirement Accounts?
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How Should CRNAs Facing Divorce Split Retirement Accounts?

While I am sure it will come as no surprise, the CRNA profession is one of the most stressful career paths you can choose. According to the Occupational Information Network, a US Department of Labor job database, on a scale from 1 (least stressful) to 100 (most stressful), CRNA’s stress tolerance level is a whopping 98! [1] (Lucky for me, financial planners only experience a 77 stress tolerance level.)

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Four Tips For CRNAs Considering Divorce
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Four Tips For CRNAs Considering Divorce

Ever hear the old wives tale that 50% of marriages end in divorce? While it’s hard to pinpoint an exact divorce rate, some researchers report current rates could be as high as 50% while others believe the rate has been steadily declining over the past few decades and 30% is a more accurate statistic.

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5 Smart Tax Strategies For CRNA Business Owners
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5 Smart Tax Strategies For CRNA Business Owners

As a CRNA and business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of the day and neglect some of the housekeeping elements of running a business. Rather than wait until the end of the year to prepare for the upcoming tax season, make it a goal this year to get ahead of the game.

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The Financial Implications Of The Reverse Breadwinner Effect
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The Financial Implications Of The Reverse Breadwinner Effect

Just a few decades ago, it was standard for men to be the sole income provider for their family while women ran the household and took care of the children. However, the number of women joining and returning to the workforce after child-bearing has been rapidly increasing, and now more than ever, females are out-earning their male counterparts.

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Is Your Advisor Following The Four E’s?
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Is Your Advisor Following The Four E’s?

With over 200,000 financial advisors across the country, how do you find one who understands and appreciates what you do as a CRNA? The financial advisor with whom you choose to work will have a significant impact on your investment strategy, the fees you pay, and the confidence you have in your financial future.

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Is It Time To Delegate Your Finances?
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Is It Time To Delegate Your Finances?

Some of the most successful businesses and professionals rely on delegation, and for good reason. As our lives become busier, delegation lets us focus more time on our passions, families, and careers while allowing others to help with some of the time-consuming tasks, like managing finances.

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